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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fast Day 34 January 25, 2008 {Bobby Fischer's Dead}

Bobby Fischer's dead...
he was first, the prototype.
others came after.

...never played Big Blue,
but IBM was
Eichmann's CPA.

Bobby Fischer beat
the Russkies at their own game...
symbol of Reagan.

forerunner Reagan
who beat the USSR
and gave the world peace...

pax of Augustus...
tarot dealing and omens
and fortune tellers.

Bush, Clinton, and Bush:
Satyricon of Christians...
Plautus scripted Peace!

Bobby Fischer died.
intemperate memories
like bestial Io!

Driven from Japan,
a man without a country;
Northern asylum!

Bobby Fischer's gone...
symbol of ambiguous
ascent to power.

What we won with sweat
we hand away covetous,
dreaming lost power!

A psychic murder,
spiritual sacrifice;
blooming like adonis!

By beating Spassky
hegemony fades to prozac...
gives way to Karpov!

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